The Sixth Men
The last of the books in the “The Superhero Spectacular Book Bundle” that I bought just about a year ago, there were a total of 11 books in the bundle that ranged from nearly unreadable to some of the best super hero stories that you’re ever going to read, which was the one book that I’d already read, “Wearing the Cape”. This book from Jeff Deischer is in the middle of that range with ‘rebooted’ superheroes that had fallen into the public domain and while the story is set in a modern setting the story, characters, and dialogue all feel distinctly out of time. It wasn’t a terrible book, but it wasn’t a great one either, I was distinctly unhappy with the resolution of the heroes chasing the villain just to execute him on the spot once they caught up with him. It should exciting, but it was a pretty mundane scene that just wrapped everything up too neatly for my tastes.