Star Trek: Manifest Destiny
Having an entire issue of the series in Klingon is a neat gimmick, but even as deep as I am into Trek, I still don’t know how to read a single word in the language. “Manifest Destiny” is a Kelvinverse story with a focus on the sorta different looking Klingons that exist separately from the TOS Klingons, which look different than the TOS movie Klingons, which obviously look different than the Discovery Klingons…it’s all one big muddled mess, as result of way too many cooks in the Trek kitchen. The slight visual issues aside, the story by Mike Johnson and Ryan Parrott is great and the artwork by Angel Hernandex and Esther Sanz is fantastic, capturing the action in a believable and eye catching way. Doesn’t hurt that they do a fair number of exterior shots of the spaceship, really warmed my starship loving heart 🙂
If I were to have any complaint, and it’s a minor one, it would be that the resolution of the story feels like it’s been done a million times. Klingons betraying Klingons? Be still my heart!