Category: Gaming Screenshots
Watchdogs 2
The only thing I remember about this game is that I didn’t have a good time. I was also pretty drunk at the time if that tells you both how long ago this was and my state of mind at the time.
“Warhammer Vermitide 2” Screenshots
I remember getting pretty frustrated with the melee combat and the story not making much sense, but I did enjoy my time playing through the game with a buddy.
“Journey To The Savage Planet” Screenshots
Did I ever do a review of this game? I only made it about half way through it before me and my buddy got distracted by something else and I’ve been meaning to get back to it.
Helldivers 2 Game Screenshots
These are mostly all from the tutorial and are from my laptop, which was sadly not up to the task of spreading Super Democracy.
Signs from “Deep Rock Galactic”
It’s been a while since I’ve played this, maybe I’ll get back to it one day?
Remnant Screenshots
I remember enjoying this game, which is the first in the series, but I can’t remember much from the story other than stuff got super weird super quick.
Game signs from “Deep Rock Galactic”
This game is a blast to play with buddies and they have a ton of goofy/great flair around the base camp.
Signs inside of “Borderlands 3”
I’ve long wanted to post screenshots from videos games that show off the various signs that someone took the time to work on and rarely get the attention they so justly deserve. Here’s the first batch of them from Borderlands 3, a game that I’ve come back to for unknown reasons.
Random Screenshots from Borderlands 3
I’ve had these sitting on my computer for years on end, some of these are from 2020! Now I have a screenshot process, so for better or worse you’re going to see more of them on my site.