We Own This City
With only six episodes to tell the story, there’s not much breathing space or time for nuance, so a couple of the ‘bad cop’ characters come off as caricatures, but from what I’ve read up on them, this is pretty much what they were like. Jon Bernthal in particular is all over the place with out he portrays the main target of the investigation, with 3 or 4 different styles of facial hair for the time periods that the stories take place in.
It’s a good follow up to something like ‘The Wire’ and much like that series the ending will leave you frustrated. Not because the show isn’t good, it is in fact, very good, but because it’s representing an actual situation in an actual location that you can likely go visit and see for yourself if you have the heart to. The most frustrating part of the entire series of events is that there’s a will to change things, but the people that have that will don’t have the ability, and the people that have the ability just don’t care.