Review: “Late Star Trek: The Final Frontier in the Franchise Era”
This is much more academic than I’m used to reading, especially when I’m reading Star Trek content, which is normally easy breezy stuff that doesn’t challenge or surprise all too much. In this case though, author Adam Kotsko presents a fantastic look at an intersection of my personal interests in Reddit, Star Trek, Treklit, and overthinking things way too much. It’s well done and there’s a point where Adam asks “Did the novelverse really need to die for this?” and boy howdy I felt that in my soul. There’s been just as many misses as there have been hits since they trimmed off that particular universe and while I understand it had to happen, I’m still not happy with most of the story decisions that were made with the characters I was in love with in the books.
We still have the books (and the all mighty Treklit reading order chart to make sense of it all), so maybe one day I’ll go back through and re-read them all in order. What a crazy undertaking that would be!