Some Desperate Glory
I’ve long thought that the military science fiction genre that I’m so deeply in love with has an issue with diversity in it’s author lineup, with 10/10 of the authors that I’ve read in that space being men, so starting back about 10 years ago I thought I’d just pick up the next book written by someone other than a dude, and boy howdy and I here to tell you that Emily Tesh absolutely hit it out of the park with this one. The basic premise is a familiar one, there was a war, one side lost, but not everyone on the losing side has accepted their fate and are struggling to find a victory in their defeat. Nearly exactly at the 50% mark of the book though the story gets turned from a familiar post-apocalyptic military science fiction space adventure into something even more in vogue in recent movie successes. I won’t get into the gory details, but I’m happy with this implementation of the story elements and can happily recommend it to anyone that’s been a fan of the military scifi stories by John Scalzi or Marko Kloos.