Chris Claremont’s X-Men: Directed by Patrick Meaney. With Jason Aaron, Lon Brown, Chris Claremont, Hallie Cooper-Novack. Chris Claremont came to Marvel as a young man, and was assigned a book that no one else wanted, a book on the brink of cancellation: X-Men. Over the next 17 years, his work on the title turned it into the biggest franchise in comic book history. Forty years later, his work has been adapted into 10 films, three TV series, countless video games and become a part of our cultural mythology.
it’s always nice to look back at the creative minds of series that I loved as a kid, especially ones that I had no idea who they were at the time and didn’t really appreciate until I was well into my 30’s. This is a collection of various interviews with Claremont from different time periods, as well as his creative team that made the entire thing work as a well oiled machine.
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