Start With Why
One of the books for my local PMI chapter, this book was adapted from the above 18 minute Ted Talk, and while the concept is great and greatly explained, the book doesn’t offer much more than stretching the material well past it’s breaking point with limited new material and repetition of the same points over and over again. It’s still good material, but there’s only about three examples here, unlike some of the other leadership books I’ve been through lately.
I don’t want to dissuade you from reading it if you’re on the management track through, sometimes it takes hearing the same thing three different ways for it to really be absorbed correctly. The main take away is that if you’re in a leadership position, you absolutely have to know WHY your company is doing what they’re doing, and the answer had better not be “to make money” because that’s everyone’s goal and if you’re just like everyone else, why would any customers ever choose you over your competitors?